If you would like to make this card, simply click on the product below and you'll be magically whisked away to my online store where you can purchase the items I used, plus any of the other great Stampin' Up! products.
- Download: 2016-2017 Annual Catalog PDF
- Visit the Clearance Rack - up to 80% off
- Look for the bundles and save 10%. Interested in saving even more $$$? Purchase the ULTIMATE BUNDLE and become a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator. Click HERE to join today.
- AUGUST 2016 Hostess VIP Code = QSWNBVZA
- All customers making a purchase of $50 or more and using the hostess code above will automatically receive a SURPRISE gift from me in September 2016.
- Please remember if your order is $150 or more, don't use the hostess code, but rather claim the Stampin' Rewards for yourself.
Happy stampin',

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